Game localization requires a delicate and time-consuming process. It requires several developers to be involved in. If the localization is not properly done, you might miss the launching date and you will loss the potential profit by delaying the launch.
Recently the game should be translated to multiple languages to satisfy gamer’s characteristic and increase the potential of new gamers in each country.
Great game localization will have more chance to be successful in the global market. Increase the chance your game to be introduced more and increase the number of downloads.
In Gaming Industry, Customer Service is very important because handling customer is extremely sensitive case. However, every client has unique style of operating Customer Services.
If you consider launching a mobile app/game, why not consider launching it globally?
Latisglobal will tell you about Vietnam game industry and outlook.
Game Translator requires internal knowledge such as target country’s culture, slang, and custom to provide proper translation.
In the middle of Corona crisis, what are the reasons as to why Chinese Game developers expanding and advancing into oversea market from their own market? What are the reasons?
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