The Importance of Sound Design in Horror Games

What are the in-game elements that create a sense of fear for players? Various visual elements such as scary-looking monsters and spooky spaces are enough to instill fear on their own, but sounds are especially effective in bringing the environment to life and creating tension that makes the player feel like they’re actually inside the game.

If you’ve ever seen a horror movie at a theater or played a horror game, you’re probably well aware of how background music can have a huge effect on our emotions during tense or scary moments.

Today, we’ll be looking into the importance of sound design in horror games.

The Role of Sound Design in Horror Games

1. Controls the Flow and Pacing of Horror Games

Sometimes, the sounds of a game alone can become the defining aspect of its identity as a horror game. For example, in Left 4 Dead 2, a monster called the Witch makes a distinct crying sound when she appears, which allows players to locate her and predict what she will do next. The Witch’s unique crying combined with how powerful and hard to kill she is led to her becoming a monster iconic to Left 4 Dead 2.
Background music in horror games also acts as a trigger that instantly adds tension to the atmosphere. For example, in Dead by Daylight, the BGM that plays when survivors are being chased by the killer makes the situation abruptly turn from calm to tense. It defines the overall ambience of the game and informs players about the situation.
Like so, there is more to sound design than just the sound effects of characters and pleasant background music. Sounds play various important roles such as controlling the pacing of games and defining a game’s identity.
As sounds are important in creating an immersive experience for players, working with professionals for sound design is a surefire way to find success in making a game more vivid and immersive.

2. Determines the Overall Atmosphere and Identity of the Game

Sounds play a big role when playing games by creating tension and impactful moments. Even when the player’s character is not moving, the sounds of monsters on the move or unsettling and irregular noises can send imaginations into overdrive, making the player alert and wary.
When a monster finally reveals itself from the darkness after only giving auditory hints about its location, the player feels a rush of thrill as the built-up tension is released. Sound effects create a constant cycle of tension and relief which makes for a gameplay experience that is scarier than instances where the player has to engage in actual combat.

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