Game Sound creators arrange great game sound that users can focus on without being noticed. Players should be aware of what’s happening on-screen while playing and sound should not distract or annoy the player.
A game’s various sound allows users to detect their character’s movements, surrounding environment, invisible object, and the sound of upcoming enemies appearing in the game.
Today, we would like to introduce [Game Sound Design] from Latis Global which provides game sound service using their own technology for games that require music and sound design with game music composers, sound designers, and sound engineers.

What is Sound Design?
Game sound design is not just about making games better but it also improves the game through sound. Sound designers are trying their best to provide players with an attractive and fun experience in the game.
To put it simply, sound design is the process to make all sound elements in the game. There are dubbing, ambiance, Foley, and effects. Through these various sounds, the responsibility of the Sound designer is to make and set the perfect audio library.
Various Game Sound Design
Recently released games now support Dolby Atmos or 3D sound that allows users to experience sound dimensions that make the game sound a lot more important.
We will now look into the various sounds in games.
Ambiance (Game background or environment)
This is sound that comes from the background or the surrounding environment. It makes the players experience real-world sounds in-game such as the sound of rainfall, the sound of rustling leaves, or birds chirping.
Dubbing – Voice Over
Character voice is the most common. Character conversations, sports broadcasts, announcements, and more. For example, in a shooter game, when a player takes a headshot, the in-game announcer will shout “Headshot!”
Game Music OST
Music helps emphasize certain moods or help improve them during an emotional scene while playing the game. For example, after a player passes through a forest and is approaching the boss area, the sound immediately changes to a sound that informs the player about the upcoming battle.
SFX (Music Effect)
To make the players focus on the situation they are in, various sounds are implemented. For example, in a racing game, the sound of police sirens and of the car’s tires screeching will trigger a player’s instinct that they are in danger. Even without a physical threat, the sound of a car’s engine roaring is enough for adrenaline to start pumping out.
Poly Sound
It might be a part of sound effects but poly sound shines out, especially in Sci-Fi and Fantasy-themed games. The most famous and familiar sound is the sound of lightsabers being activated or swung in Star Wars games.
Of course, this can be created without poly but it also makes the sound more dramatic.
Effective sound design improves the quality of the game.
Games are a popular source of content and attract a wide range of audiences. Game developers need to work with a team of expert sound designers who can provide the best sound design. Because professional sound designers know how the games work, they can help developers incorporate good sound design into their games.
Finding and using existing sound may be the cheapest option but it’s nothing compared to creating high-quality sound from scratch and being able to perfectly fit in with the game.
Of course, sound design isn’t the only thing that enhances a player’s experience. Sound is but one factor that highly affects a game’s rating.